Our Process

Leave the past behind

The Emotion Code

Our bodies are truly astonishing creations. Psalm 139:14 tells us we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. We’re only beginning to scratch the surface of how they really work. Recent advances in medical research have discovered that emotional baggage is real, and that it can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health. It’s often one of the biggest underlying causes of chronic pain, disease, anxiety, depression, and self-sabotage.

Everyone has some form of emotional baggage. It arises when we experience extreme emotion that we cannot process in the moment. The energy of this powerful emotion often becomes trapped in the body, constantly influencing it from the inside out. This weight of intense grief, anger, sorrow, and frustration can affect us for the rest of our lives. 

If you look at the human body under a microscope, you’ll see its individual organs, tissues, and cells. Zoom in far enough and the body vanishes into a complex arrangement of energized particles.

Believe it or not, you’re mostly composed of empty space vibrating at unique energetic frequencies. Even the energy of your thoughts and emotions can be measured precisely. 

Emotions like fear, anger, and guilt resonate at much lower frequencies than love, peace, and joy. Thousands of people around the world have harnessed this truth to raise their body’s vibrational frequency. This is what The Emotion Code is all about: releasing trapped negative emotions that disturb the body’s natural harmony. High vibrational states reliably manifest in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. They create a brilliant unity between mind and body, encouraging one to live forthrightly and empowering them to be joyful, healthy, and fulfilled. 

We practice basic tenets of The Emotion Code to identify, address, and release trapped negative emotions in your body.

The Body Code

Western medicine has come a long way in the past century. However, it tends to only address acute issues through surgery and drugs that suppress certain symptoms. The truth is most chronic health conditions are caused by underlying systemic malfunction, not simply acute problems. 

Health and wellness result when the body’s internal systems are in balance with each other. This is why we also use The Body Code to correct internal toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, as well as misaligned bones and organs. Your body can then engage its own self-healing mechanism to reduce pain, anxiety, and various symptoms of chronic disease. 

ease the causes of physical discomfort

overcome emotional distress and negative thinking

conquer self-doubt and live more confidently

discover your own energy healing power


Heal your mind and body today! Release the trapped negative emotions that are impacting your health, joy, and wellbeing. 




Free your mind and body today! Release the trapped negative emotions that are impacting your health, joy, and wellbeing. 

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