Emotional Health Practitioner

Energize your life

YOUR guide to Joyful Living

Do you feel like something is blocking you from leading a joyful life? Your emotions are powerful energetic expressions that have a profound impact on your overall health and wellbeing. Negative energies can become subconsciously trapped in your body, leading to disease, imbalance, and chronic pain. Releasing these trapped emotions is the first step toward a more fulfilling life. 

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Release Your Emotional Baggage


Your subconscious mind is much more influential than your conscious attention. It’s responsible for regulating your heart rate, hormone levels, and emotional state. Negative emotions caused by loss, betrayal, trauma, and abuse can become internalized deep within your subconscious mind. Before you can let go of them for good, they must first be brought to light. 


The human body is unbelievably intelligent. It always knows what is right, what is wrong, and what needs more attention. We use techniques like muscle testing to get precise answers from your body and subconscious mind about what is affecting you. Our methods expose and address the underlying emotional causes of pain, stress, and illness. 


Trapped negative emotions hold us back from our true potential. By shedding light on these toxic burdens, your mind, body, and internal systems are brought back into alignment. We intentionally guide you through the process of discarding what no longer serves you. That way, you can move forward with confidence knowing that your mind and body are in harmony. 


Your subconscious mind is much more influential than your conscious attention. It’s responsible for regulating your heart rate, hormone levels, and emotional state. Negative emotions caused by loss, betrayal, trauma, and abuse can become internalized deep within your subconscious mind. Before you can let go of them for good, they must first be brought to light. 


The human body is unbelievably intelligent. It always knows what is right, what is wrong, and what needs more attention. We use techniques like muscle testing to get precise answers from your body and subconscious mind about what is affecting you. Our methods expose and address the underlying emotional causes of pain, stress, and illness. 


Trapped negative emotions hold us back from our true potential. By shedding light on these toxic burdens, your mind, body, and internal systems are brought back into alignment. We intentionally guide you through the process of discarding what no longer serves you. That way, you can move forward with confidence knowing that your mind and body are in harmony. 

Begin living Joyfully

  • Book a free consultation

    Give us a call, reach out via email, or schedule a meeting online for your free, confidential consultation. We’ll discuss your unique needs before choosing a plan that works best for you. 

  • Participate in the sessions

    Join our guided therapy sessions at your convenience. Experience The Emotion Code firsthand to identify, assess, and release the trapped emotions affecting your health and wellbeing. 

  • Increase your well-being

    Learn to listen to your body and its specific needs. Take responsibility for your mind’s energetic expressions and choose to replace fear, shame, and anger with love, gratitude, and compassion. 

ease the causes of physical discomfort

overcome emotional distress and negative thinking

conquer self-doubt and live more confidently

discover your own energy healing power


Heal your mind and body today! Release the trapped negative emotions that are impacting your health, joy, and wellbeing. 




Free your mind and body today! Release the trapped negative emotions that are impacting your health, joy, and wellbeing. 

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